




Each picture links to a story on ShanT's web...

Fantasy Fair Archeon 2006

Cartoons by Jet de Wilde

Poppen dokter - Doll doctor Shop in Amsterdam

The Hague - an empty city

Decor building   Decor bouw

ShanT and Mary...

Art photography  -  Fotografie

Frigge Timmerwerken Den Haag. - kinderkamer

Tarot by Sona.     Tarot kaarten van Sona.

Hand made cotton paper factory India  -  Hand geschept katoen papier India.

Statues The Hague  -  Beeldentuin Lange Voorhout Den Haag

Ardennen kanoeing  -  Ardennen kano varen

OSHO Ashram


Tibettan Pulsing Healing

Frequencies of Brilliance Shamanic Training

Diving in Egypt  -  Duiken in Egypte

Art Photography  -  Fotografie

ShanT in Nepal

My Altar - How to make an altar  -  Hoe maak je een altaar?

Schilderijen  -  Zonder stroom


Eye of GOD  -  and his face!!!

Inner Warrior Club and Marcus van Soest  -  Inner Warrior en Marcus van Soest


Flower Clown, Ronnie Flower

Tischa in Egypt

Tischa and friends


ShanT and his photography  -  ShanT en zijn fotografie

ShanT as a child  -  ShanT als kind

ShanT in India

Photography  -  fotografie

ShanT's Swans  -  zwanen

Send me some feedback!








My Family and resolving issues
And me the Jury, the Judge and the Executioner... and shaking that tree!

Klick on a picture to follow a link...

Ma Anand Nirad Verbeek-Heemskerk | Jan Frigge | Tischa Sterre Frigge | Anjori Boskamp Frigge  Mijn familie,de Flappies | Onvoltooid Verleden Tijd  |  ShanT childhood |

Onvoltooid Verleden Tijd

Soms dan doet vroeger opeens pijn
Sluipt ongemerkt diep in mijn zijn
Dan valt de tijd stil en ik ben
Terug op die plekken, die ik ken
Die plekken die ik nooit vergeet
Vervuld van mijn verleden leed
Die plekken waar ik niet wil zijn
Soms doet mijn vroeger opeens pijn

Dan wordt de kleinste druk te veel
Grijpt weer die onmacht naar mijn keel
Dan stokt mijn adem en ik snak
Naar lucht en ruimte maar ik pak
Een sigaret of een glas wijn
Verzuurde drank, verschraalde pijn
Dan jaagt mijn adem door mijn keel
Soms is de kleinste druk te veel

Genadeloos onbuigzaam feit
Maar vroeger raak ik nooit meer kwijt
Mijn onvoltooid verleden zijn
Mijn onvoltooid verleden pijn
Mijn onvoltooid verleden kind
Dat mij nog steeds aan vroeger bind
Genadeloos onbuigzaam feit
Mijn onvoltooid verleden tijd

Gedicht en muziek door Ramon

My parents are criminals and me sitting on their doorstep (virtually)

  This is me explaining my actions. As in so many family's there are issues. My family seems to have the lesser subtle ones. Compared to others they might seem heavy, to others mild, but non the less we all seem to work on them, each our own way.
   For me I can say about myself, have come from far. In my puberty I got introvert, absorbing the negativity and stress around me. My mother being the dominant figure and very disturbed, made me hide. I loved her and in my loyalty I tried to be as little problem to her as I could, eating the injustice of her confused mind. Things changed when I left to live in a boy school, and later with my father. The stress left, the asthma left, I got a bit loose. Bigger changes happened after I took sannyas, meditating and looking for the truth. Until I was about 30 years old, I gave everyone the benefit of the doubt. This changed with the years.
   This period I told my parents it was time to turn things around, and tired as I was of hearing all these different stories from both my parents, I told them I was going to find out the truth about them, and would become the Jury, the Judge and the Executioner. I was fed up with these grown ups behaving so irresponsible with my loyalty and love towards them.
   After years of getting involved, discussions, trial and error, I got to a conclusion. I put them into a web page, one for
My mother, Nirad Verbeek-Heemskerk, one for my father Jan Frigge. People ask me why I do this, and I answer; 'because I love them'. Being angry is being involved, wanting to invest. With the silence of my mother and the cursing of my father, I am standing in the middle looking them straight in the eyes telling them how I think they are wrong. It's time to act. I am not going to ignore them. When I am at my deathbed I will be able to say I did everything I could to get things whole. Remember, soft doctors make stinking wounds... So here I am shaking this tree...
   While in the process, my mother responds silently sending me love as if forgiving again and again is going to work. Things have to change! And I am calling the shots now. It is take it or leave it.

Anjori Frigge Boskamp...

   Of course I still have my sister Anjori Boskamp Frigge ... At this moment I have no contact with her. She fucked up after suggesting my father to make a complaint at Yahoo for 'breaking' into my fathers mailbox to get me into jail... She knows Jan Frigge (My father) owns me a lot of money, but chooses to side with my father for unknown reasons. As far as I can think, she is not past the little girl stadium, and wanting her dad's attention and approval, she teams up against her formal so 'weak' 'little' brother. I care less of this inferior behavior and told her to stay out of my sight, which she is doing right now.  She is a later issue, coming soon.
   So here I am, the 'crusader', standing alone against my opponents, fearlessly ready to oppose any argument from their side, ready to die for the sake of truth and love. Yes my family, here I am!



Feedback on ShanT's web site












Anjori Frigge Boskamp...