Book of Mirdad
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Chapter Eleven
Love is the Law of God
Mirdad divines Estrangement
Between Two Companions, calls for Harp
and Sings Hymn of the New Ark

MIRDAD: Love is the Law of God.
You live that you may learn to love. You love that
you may learn to live. No other lesson is required of Man.
And what is it to love but for the lover to absorb
forever the beloved so that the twain be one?
And whom, or what, is one to love? Is one to
choose a certain leaf upon the Tree of Life and pour upon it all one's heart?
What of the branch that bears the leaf? What of the stem that holds the branch?
What of the bark that shields the stem? What of the roots that feed the bark,
the stem, the branches and the leaves? What of the soil embosoming the roots?
What of the sun, and sea, and air that fertilize the soil?
If one small leaf upon a tree be worthy of your
love how much more so the tree in its entirety? The love that singles out a
fraction of the whole foredooms itself to grief.
You say, 'But there be leaves and leaves upon a
single tree. Some are healthy, some are sick; some are beautiful, some, ugly;
some are giants, some are dwarfs. How can we help but pick and choose?'
I say to you, Out of the paleness of the sick
proceeds the freshness of the healthy. I further say to you that ugliness is
Beauty's palette, paint and brush; and that the dwarf would not have been a
dwarf had he not given of his stature to the giant.
You are the tree of Life. Beware of fractioning
yourselves. Set not a fruit against a fruit, a leaf against a leaf, a bough
against a bough; nor set the stem against the roots; nor set the tree against
the mother-soil. That is precisely what you do when you live one part more than
the rest, or to the exclusion of the rest.
You are the Tree of Life. Your roots are
everywhere. Your boughs and leaves are everywhere. Your fruits are in every
mouth. Whatever be the fruits upon that tree; whatever be its boughs and leaves;
whatever be its roots, they are your fruits; they are your leaves and boughs;
they are your roots. If you would have the tree bear sweet and fragrant fruit,
if you would have it ever strong and green, see to the sap wherewith you feed
the roots.
Love is the sap of Life. While Hatred is the pus
of Death. But Love, like blood, must circulate unhindered in the veins. Repress
the blood, and it becomes a menace and a plague. And what is Hate but Love
repressed, or Love withheld, therefore becoming such a deadly poison both to the
feeder and the fed; both to the hater and to that he hates?
A yellow leaf upon your tree of life is but a
Love-weaned leaf. Blame not the yellow leaf.
A withered bough is but a Love-starved bough.
Blame not the withered bough.
A putrid fruit is but a Hatred-suckled fruit.
Blame not the putrid fruit. But rather blame your blind and stingy heart that
would dole out the sap of life to few and would deny it to many, thereby denying
it to itself.
No love is possible except the love of self. No
self is real save the All-embracing Self. Therefore is God all Love, because He
loves Himself.
So long as you are pained by Love, you have not
found your real self, nor have you found the golden key of Love. Because you
love an ephemeral self, your love is ephemeral.
The love of man for woman is not love. It is
thereof a very distant token. The love of parent for the child is but the
threshold to Love's holy temple. Till every man be every woman's lover, and the
reverse; till every child be every parent's child, and the reverse, let men and
women brag of flesh and bone clinging to flesh and bone, but never speak the
sacred name of Love. For that is blasphemy.
You have no friends so long as you can count a
single man as foe.
The heart that harbours enmity how can it be a
safe abode for friendship?
You do not know the joy of Love so long as there
is hatred in your hearts. Were you to feed all things the sap of Life except a
certain tiny worm, that certain tiny worm alone would embitter your life. For in
loving anything, or anyone, you love in truth but yourselves. Likewise in hating
anything, or anyone, you hate in truth but yourselves. For that which you hate
is bound up inseparably with that which you love, like the face and the reverse
of the same coin, If you would be honest with yourselves, then must you love
what you hate and what hates you before you love what you love and what loves
Love is not a virtue. Love is a necessity; more so
than bread and water; more so than light and air.
Let no one pride himself on loving. But rather
breathe in Love and breathe it out just as unconsciously and freely as you
breathe in the air and breathe in out.
For Love needs no one to exalt it. Love will exalt
the heart that it finds worthy of itself.
Seek no rewards for Love. Love is reward
sufficient unto Love, as Hate is punishment sufficient unto Hate.
Nor keep any accounts with Love. For Love accounts
to no one but itself.
Love neither lends nor borrows; Love neither buys
nor sells; but when it gives, it gives its all; and when it takes, it takes its
all. Its very taking is a giving. Its very giving is a taking. Therefore is it
the same to-day, to-morrow and forevermore.
Just as a mighty river emptying itself in the sea
is e'er replenished by the sea, so must you empty yourselves in Love that you
may be ever filled with Love. The pool that would withhold the sea-gift from the
sea becomes a stagnant pool.
There is nor 'more' not 'less' in Love. The moment
you attempt to grade and measure Love it slips away leaving behind it bitter
Nor is there 'now' and 'then', nor 'here' and
'there' in Love. All seasons are Love seasons. All spots are fit abodes for
Love knows no boundaries or bars. A love whose
course is checked by any obstacle whatever is not yet worthy of the name of
I often hear you say that Love is blind, meaning
that it can see no fault in the beloved. That kind of blindness is the height of
Would you were always so blind as to behold no
fault in anything.
Nay, clear and penetrating is the eye of Love.
Therefore it sees no fault. When Love has purged your sight, then would you see
nothing at all unworthy of your love. Only a love-shorn, faulty eye is ever busy
finding faults. Whatever faults it finds are only its own faults.
Love integrates. Hatred disintegrates. This huge
and ponderous mass of earth and rock which you call Altar Peak would quickly fly
asunder were it not held together by the hand of Love. Even your bodies,
perishable as they seem, could certainly resist disintegration did you but live
each cell of them with equal zeal.
Love is peace athrob with melodies of Life. Hatred
is war agog with fiendish blasts of Death. Which would you: Love and be at
everlasting peace? Or hate and be at everlasting war?
The whole earth is alive in you. The heavens and
their hosts are alive in you. So love the Earth and all her sucklings if you
would love yourselves. And love the Heavens and all their tenants if you would
love yourselves.
Why do you hate Naronda, Abimar?
Naronda: All were taken aback by so sudden a shift in the Master's voice
and course of thought; while Abimar and I were dumbstruck by so pointed a
question about an estrangement between us which we carefully hid from all and
had reasons to believe it was not detected by any. All looked upon the two of us
in utter wonder and waited on the lips of Abimar.
Abimar: (Eying me in reproach) Did you, Naronda, tell the Master?
Naronda: When Abimar has said 'The Master', my heart melted in joy within
me. For it was round that word that we had disagreed long before Mirdad revealed
himself; I holding that he was a teacher come to enlightenment; and Abimar
insisting, he was but a common man.
MIRDAD: Look not askance upon Naronda, Abimar; for he is blameless of your
Abimar: Who told you, then? Can you read men's minds too?
MIRDAD: Mirdad needs nor spies nor interpreters. Did you but love Mirdad as he
loves you, you could with ease read in his mind and see into his hart as well.
Abimar: Forgive a blind and a deaf man, Master. Open my eye and ear, for
I am eager to see and to hear.
MIRDAD: Love is the only wonder-worker. If you would see let Love be in the
pupil of the eye. If you would hear, let Love be in the drum of the ear.
Abimar: But I hate no man, not even Naronda.
MIRDAD: Not-hating is not loving, Abimar. For Love is an active force; and save
it guide your every move and step, you cannot find your way; and save it fill
your every wish and thought, your wishes shall be nettles in your dreams; your
thoughts shall be as dirges for your days.
Now is my heart a harp, and I am moved to song.
Where is your harp, good Zamora?
Zamora: Shall I go and fetch it, Master?
MIRDAD: Go, Zamora.
Naronda: Zamora instantly arose and went for the harp. The rest looked at
each other in utter bewilderment and held their peace.
When Zamora returned with the harp the Master
gently took it from his hand, and bending over it in tenderness, carefully
adjusted every string and then began to play and sing.

is your captain, sail, my Ark!
Though Hell unleash her furies red
Upon the living and the dead,
And turn the earth to molten lead,
And sweep the skies of every mark,
God is your captain, sail, my Ark!
Love is your compass, ply, my Ark!
Go north and south, go east and west
And share with all your treasure chest.
The storm shall bear you on its crest
A light for sailors in the dark.
Love is your compass, ply, my Ark!
Faith is your anchor, ride, my Ark!
Should thunder roar, and lightning dart,
And mountains shake and fall apart,
And men become so faint of heart
As to forget the holy spark,
Faith is your anchor, ride, my Ark!
Naronda: The Master ceased and bent over the harp as bends a mother,
love-entranced, over an infant at her breast. And though its strings no longer
quivered, the harp continued to ring on, 'God is your captain, sail, my Ark!'
And though the Master's lips were shut, his voice reverberated for a space
throughout the Aerie and floated out in waves unto the rugged peaks about; unto
the hills and vales below; unto the restless sea in the distance; unto the
vaulted blue overhead.
There were star showers and rainbows in that
voice. There were quakes and gales along with soughing winds and
song-intoxicated nightingales. There were heaving seas empalled with soft, dew
laden mist. And it seemed as if the whole of creation were listening thereto in
thankful gladness.
And it further seemed as if the Milky mountains
range, with Altar Peak in the centre, had suddenly become detached from the
Earth and were afloat in space, majestic, powerful and certain of its course.
For three days thereafter the Master spoke no word
to any man.
Dr. Michael
Mirdad, a Master Teacher, has been a healer and has taught workshops on the human energy systems, spirituality, metaphysics and relationships for nearly 20 years.
my most loved book. Mirdad is a fictitious figure, but each statement and
act of Mirdad is tremendously important. It should not be read as a novel,
it should be read as a holy scripture -- perhaps the only holy scripture.
And you can see in this statement just a glimpse of Mirdad's insight,
awareness, understanding. He is saying, LOVE IS THE ONLY FREEDOM FROM
ATTACHMENT... and you have always heard that love is the only attachment.
All the religions agree on that point, that love is the only attachment.
I agree with Mirdad:
In fact one has to understand the very phenomenon of attachment. Why do
you cling to something? Because you are afraid you will lose it. Perhaps
somebody may steal it. Your fear is that what is available to you today
may not be available to you tomorrow.
Who knows about what
is going to happen tomorrow? The woman you love or the man you love --
either movement is possible: you may come closer, you may become distant.
You may become again strangers or you may become so one with each other
that even to say that you are two will not be right; of course there are
two bodies but the heart is one, and the song of the heart is one, and the
ecstasy surrounds you both like a cloud. You disappear in that ecstasy:
you are not you, I am not I. Love becomes so total, love is so great and
overwhelming, that you cannot remain yourself; you have to drown yourself
and disappear.
In that disappearance
who is going to be attached, and with whom? Everything is. When love
blossoms in its totality, everything simply is. The fear of tomorrow does
not arise; hence there is no question of attachment, clinging, marriage,
of any kind of contract, bondage.
What are your
marriages except business contracts? "We commit to each other before
a magistrate" -- you are insulting love! You are following law, which
is the lowest thing in existence and the ugliest. When you bring love to
the court you are committing a crime that cannot be forgiven. You make a
commitment before a magistrate in a court that "We want to be married
and we will remain married. It is our promise, given to the law: we will
not separate and we will not deceive each other." Do you think this
is not a great insult of love? Are not you putting law above love?
I have never committed
any crime. But I don't believe in any law either.
I love -- there is no need for any law.
Law is for those who do not know how to love.
Law is for the blind, not for those who have eyes. Law is for those who
have forgotten the language of the heart and only know the language of the
Mirdad's statement is
of such great value that it should be deeply understood -- not only
intellectually, not only emotionally, but in your totality. Your whole
being should drink it:
... Because when you
love you cannot even think of anything else.
with new splendor, new glory, new songs; each moment brings new dances to
dance. Perhaps partners may change, but love remains.
Attachment is the desire that the partner should never change. For that
you have to commit to the court, to the society -- all stupid formalities.
And if you go against those formalities you will lose all respect and
honor in the eyes of the people amongst whom you have to live.
Love knows nothing of
attachment because love knows no possibility of falling from dignity. It
is the very honor itself, the very respectability itself; you cannot do
anything against it. I am not saying that partners cannot change, but that
it does not matter: if partners change but love remains like a river,
flowing, then in fact the world will have much more love than it has
Today it is just like
a tap -- drip, drip, drip. It is not able to quench anybody's thirst. Love
needs to be oceanic, not the drip, drip of a public tap. And all marriages
are public.
Love is universal. Love does not invite only a few people to celebrate,
love invites the stars and the suns and the flowers and the birds; the
whole existence is welcome to celebrate.
Love does not need anything else -- a night full of stars, what more can
you ask for? Just a few friends... and the whole universe is friendly. I
have never come across a tree who was against me. I have been to many
mountains, but I have never found any mountain antagonistic. The whole
existence is very friendly.
Once your own understanding of love blossoms there is no question of
attachment at all. You can go on changing your partners, that does not
mean you are deserting anybody. You may come back again to the same
partner, there is no question of any prejudice.... And later on Mirdad
The moment love
becomes attachment, love becomes a relationship... the moment love becomes
demanding, it is a prison. It has destroyed the freedom; you cannot fly in
the sky, you are encaged.

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Book of Mirdad: The Strange Story of a Monastery Which Was Once Called the Ark


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