can be copyrighted, thoughts cannot be copyrighted, and certainly
meditation cannot be copyrighted. They are not things of the marketplace.
"Nobody can monopolize anything. But perhaps the West cannot
understand the difference between an objective commodity and an inner
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has copyrighted transcendental
meditation and just underneath in a small circle you will find written TM
– that means trademark! For ten thousand years the East has been
meditating and nobody has put trademarks upon meditations. And above all,
that transcendental meditation is neither transcendental nor meditation...
just a trademark.
I have told Neelam to reply to these people, "You don't understand
what meditation is. It is nobody's belonging, possession. You cannot have
any copyright. Perhaps
if your country gives you trademarks and copyrights on things like
meditation, then it will be good to have a copyright on stupidity. That
will help the whole world to be relieved...
Only you will be stupid and nobody else can be stupid; it will be
My beloved master and eternal invisible
friend. Namaste.
'Sammasati: Remember what is your inner
space. Just remember.' says Buddha...in every heart inside (which space
contains everything that is and is changing)
Religion comes from religare (religo 1st
person) (classic Latin) and means really again, once more connect to the earth, to our origin, to our wholeness, to our not dispersed
consciousness, mindfulness, inner space.
Everybody everyone is involved in that impersonal and not dispersed unlimited
unbounded inner space, if we know it or not does not matter at all...
When you have emptied all the content — thoughts, desires,
memories, projections, hopes
when all is gone, for the first time you find yourself,
because you are nothing but that pure space, that virgin space within you.
Unburdened by anything, that contentless consciousness, that's what you are!
Seeing it, realizing it, one is free. One is freedom, one is joy, one is bliss.
I became a sannyassin
when I was 19 years old. My mother
was a sannyassin, as was my sister. I was raised ,from my 13th, in a commune, which
my mother started. In the beginning, when a group of seekers practiced the
Dynamic meditation, I would play 'You can make more money as a butcher' from
Frank Zappa afterwards. I was frightened by the emotional release that
happened, and the attraction I felt for this group with a higher goal, and the
air of hippie freedom and celebration. The sexuality, free love, while I was so
much in need of the love from my mother, looking for security I didn't seem to
get. The devotion to some therapists was strange to me. How could those grown
ups be in such a mess, to think they were close to gods? My mother was lost, and
took me and my sister to many places where was being experimented with sex and
emotional release, in search for a samadhi (experience of enlightenment).
Meanwhile it was just an orgie. Running around in the dark...
My mother took me to
Oregon, where Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
had his commune. I would stand beside the road, on a remote location, where no one
else would stand, waiting for OSHO to pass by. I was still no sannyassin,
wearing hippy clothes with army boots. I wanted to meet him personally. He drove
so fast, I got scared he was going to hit me, and I jumped back. That was my
first meeting with Him.
Back in the Netherlands, I felt something was missing. I
had tasted something... That's how I came back to Him, and decided to take
sannyas. My name became Swami Shanti Tilasmi. From hereon my life changed
From here on, I was
involved in
Communes, Therapies,
Travels to the Ashram in Poona (PUNE), trainings (Tibetan Pulsing
Healing) and
meditation. I practiced Vipassana for 8 years. So much happened. Primal scream,
the love of my life, clairvoyance. This will take a lot more pages to describe.
I may do this in the future...
This I got
from a friend, who has been sitting with OSHO in the early days, and was
one of the women who would be sitting around OSHO, when an initiation
would take place. They were there to channel energy, so the person who
would get initiated, would be in a 'tunnel' of sexual and spiritual
energy. OSHO is and was a Tantric Master. This is what would happen;
Every time
OSHO would sit down on the podium in Buddha hall, he would take of his
slipper and put his one leg over his other. When in the initiation, he
would put his foot between my friends legs, on the vitality point, against
the pubic bone, thus stimulating her energy and raising her Kundalini. Did
you know this? She was asked not to wear underpants too.
One day I brought some paintings I made to OSHO. This was the time friends
were asked to design a new logo for the organization, something with
swans. At the gate of his house,
they were accepted. Water-paintings. Zen mountain, and a few swans. I
loved them, and so did he. After a few weeks I got notice on the board. If
I wanted to come to the gate of his house. When I came there I was told
OSHO loved my paintings so much, he wanted them for his books, as the
inside of the cover. Wow! They wanted my permission. I said YES! Of
course! They never appeared in his books. Meera had her heels deep in the
sand... and OSHO died not long after...
I write this
anecdote, as it was the end of a
dream. One night, everybody had gathered in the Buddha Hall, waiting for OSHO to
come out and speak, like he did every day. But again, his personal doctor,
Amrito, came out to tell he was not coming, having health troubles.
The story
was, that during the imprisonment in the USA, OSHO was poisoned with rat poison
by order of John Meese, senator of the state Oregon, and Ronald Reagan, President
of the USA at that moment. OSHO was sick very often, and this was the 40th time
or so, he didn't appear. Amrito felt to 'share' the conversation he had with
OSHO prior to the announcement. He said he was so angry with John Meese and
Ronald Reagan, he could not forgive them for poisoning Him (This
is OSHO's statement). OSHO answered that
they were still welcome to the Ashram, and he should invite them. But standing there,
with 10.000 sannyassins waiting for Him, Amrito asked everybody to curse John
Meese and Ronald Reagan, and instead of the Yahoo! everybody did as he asked, and
cursed them in Hindi. Astound as I was, I stood up, and left the Buddha Hall. I
was the only one to leave.
Next day I went to look for Amrito in the dining hall, and
asked him if I had understood him right. He confirmed, and I walked away with
tears in my eyes.... These intelligent, most intelligent people, the chosen few,
chose to curse instead of celebrate. I was obviously in the wrong place... I
don't know if OSHO knew what had happened, but I think he would have cried too,
as so many of his close ones, so many friends, were blind and deaf, for a short
moment of time. This was a breaking point for me. I could see the sectarian mind
of so many. Please forgive me, but I judged. It is like not knowing the
truth, but still knowing people are forcing you to think like them, which
you know is false....
I have
been scaring sannyassins away for years now. I was so fed up by the
sectarian mind, the scare for the 'outer world', the slogans, the
projections. I needed a time-out from this inbreed. Since I am writing
these pages on OSHO, I realize I am a sannyassin. I think and live
accordingly, in the world, and sometimes lost in it, while I rather say
not. I am a seeker, wholeheartedly, but not a follower. As I quit fighting
the sectarian mind, by stepping out the scene, I miss some of the great
times I had, the atmosphere I have been in with Him, and the friends and women... But
then, I have to keep on doing my work, go through the things I have to go
through. I trust you, OSHO. You are in my heart. Allways. You are my best
Sargamo, it is one of the most beautiful words.
The English language should be proud of it.
I don't think any other language has such a beautiful word.
One Tom from California has done some great research on it.
I think he must be the famous Tom of Tom, Dick and Harry fame.
He says: One of the most interesting words in the English language
today is the word 'fuck'.
It is one magical word: just by its sound it can describe pain,
pleasure, hate and love.
In language it falls into many grammatical categories.
It can be used as a verb, both transitive (John fucked Mary) and
intransitive (Mary was fucked by John), and as a noun (Mary is a
fine fuck).
It can be used as an adjective (Mary is fucking beautiful).
As you can see there are not many words with the versatility of
Besides the sexual meaning, there are also the following uses:
Fraud: I got fucked at the used car lot. Ignorance: Fucked if I know. Trouble: I guess I am fucked now! Aggression: Fuck you! Displeasure: What the fuck is going on here? Difficulty: I can't understand this fucking job. Incompetence: He is a fuck-off. Suspicion: What the fuck are you doing? Enjoyment: I had a fucking good time. Request: Get the fuck out of here! Hostility: I am going to knock your fucking head off! Greeting: How the fuck are you? Apathy: Who gives a fuck? Innovation: Get a bigger fucking hammer. Surprise: Fuck! You scared the shit out of me! Anxiety: Today is really fucked. And it is very healthy
If every morning you do it as a Transcendental
Meditation -- just when you get up, the first thing,
repeat the mantra "Fuck you!" five times -- it
clears the throat.
That's how I keep my throat clear!
Enough for today.
Osho was asked for his ten
This was his response:
"You have asked for my Ten Commandments. It's a difficult matter, because I
am against any kind of commandment. Yet, just for the fun of it, I write:"
1. Never obey anyone's command unless it is coming from within you also. 2. There is no God other than life itself. 3. Truth is within you, do not search for it elsewhere. 4. Love is prayer. 5. To become a nothingness is the door to truth. Nothingness itself is
the means, the goal and attainment. 6. Life is now and here. 7. Live wakefully. 8. Do not swim - float. 9. Die each moment so that you can be new each moment. 10. Do not search. That which is, is. Stop and see.
authentically religious man is an individual.
He is
alone, and in his aloneness there is great beauty, great splendor.
I teach
you that aloneness.
I teach
you the beauty, and the grandeur, and the fragrance of aloneness.
In your
aloneness you will reach to the heights of Everest.
In your
aloneness you will be able to touch the farthest star.
In your
aloneness you will blossom to your total potential.
become a believer,
become a follower,
become a part of any organization,
become a part of any religion,
become a part of any nation.
authentically true to yourself.